Our 2006 European Vacation

The 2006 holiday for Stephen and Jane.

My Photo
Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Sorrento to Rome via the beach

We left Sorrento on Sunday to avoid the lorries on the road again. Big mistake. Half Naples and Rome were heading to the same stetch of coast we were. The traffic was horrendous and the campsites full. We finally found an excellent site with access to its own sandy beach only problem was finding space for our towel!
We went to bed surrounded by Italians and woke up Monday morning to find only 4 vans left on the site, everyone had gone home. Monday was a magic day with the beach to ourselves. However it was time to head back for more sightseeing and Tuesday saw up head towards Rome.
It is now Wednesday and we have been in Rome 24 hours and we are exhausted. We had forgotten just how big and busy it is. Today we have visited the Vatican. The queues were short and we were at the front in less than 30 minutes. We realised after that being Wednesday the Pope was doing his presentation in the square so presume everyone was there.
The picture is of Stephen in St Peter's Square.
We will stay here enjoying the sights till early next week before heading east first and then north to Venice.